A Step by Step Strategy for Moving Your Elderly Parents in With You
So you’ve decided to move your parents in with you but you have no idea where to go from here. We’re going to guide you through the process and cover things like how to set your home up, what supplies and equipment you might need, and how to keep your sanity throughout.
The Difference Between Hospice and Palliative Care
What’s the difference betwee hospice and palliative care? Is it really like comparing apples to oranges or is it more like Fuji versus Granny Smith? We’re going to help you understand the differences and give you some guidance on what to do if you have to choose one. We may even use a classic British comedy to tie the room together. Onward!
How to Find Help Caring for Your Aging Parents
Taking care of your aging parents is not a one-size-fits-all thing, but it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Let’s figure out how much help they need, explore your options, and set you up to find the best fit.
How to Build a Care Team for Your Aging Parent
Caring for an elderly parent can often feel like you’re navigating a maze blindfolded, in the dark…and you gotta pee. But fear not, Dear Reader, for you're not alone in this journey.